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Mighty Heroes : Alien Protocol
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About my work
Programmed the game in a team of 2.
Joysticks and auto-aim
Code organization
Active and passive hero abilities
HUD and endgame UIs
Game modes
Integrated heroes animations
Integrated all sounds and voicelines
Set up code rules to improve game performance on mobile.
Assisted with sound design.
Zoulium 3000: Texte
Adapting to mobile
A smart auto-aim system
Considering the needs of game design, I was able to design and program an auto-aim system that targets enemies according to several adjustable parameters, such as the distance between the player and the enemy, the aiming angle, the enemy's life, and so on. The options are endless, and all these parameters can be cumulated and weighted, allowing you to fine-tune the system's behavior to enhance the gamefeel.
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